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(Optional) Feel free to upload your author photo. At the Poet Warriors Project, we celebrate diversity and believe it is important for readers across the world to read work by authors who identify like themselves.
Copyright Release Information:
Submitting to the Poet Warriors Project means you and your parent/guardian signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to the following:
1. Authorship acknowledgement of all work submitted to The Poet Warriors Project remains with the author, and publishing rights / copyrights of work submitted to the digital collections of The Poet Warriors Project will remain, as part of a literary body of work by many students, with The Poet Warriors Project under the direction of Ms. Emily Southerton. This is to allow The Poet Warriors Project to amplify submitted pieces beyond the website and to continue to offer a publishing platform to as many student voices as possible.
2. The Poet Warriors Project can reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, and display author’s submissions in order to amplify author’s original work through various outlets including but not limited to the website, classrooms, and print publications, news and media outlets, newsletters, additional online blogs, and more.
3. The Poet Warriors Project can coordinate and use content from video/audio/photo shoots and/or press visits which oftentimes feature students interacting with their teachers in the classroom environment. The Poet Warriors Project may use resulting photos/videos/ interviews/and poems in various ways seen fit to illuminate student voice, writing, school, and community.
4. In submitting, my child author and I agree to not sue the Poet Warriors Project now or in the future for using mine or my child’s work in the above conditions.
5. The Full Release form found at:
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