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10 Bus on Pratt Street

10 Bus on Pratt Street

By Darryl White


I walked down Pratt Street

and over the roar of a garbage truck

I asked my homeboy

do he want to go down to the Harbor with me

(he said yes)


So we caught the 10 bus

and went to Ripley’s

on our way we saw street performers

wearing    b a g g y    s p a r k l i n g    p a n t s


But the BusyPeopleWalkingBy

in black and white suits

wearing Polo cologne


They didn’t even see

the Harbor water was so murky.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (54%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (15%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (20%)
  • Inspired (2%)
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