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25 Days

By: Talia C. Williams

25 days

25 days ’till them cell doors open

But for good now

No more vile tastes of invisible Caviar

No more shower brawls

No more counting the days on the cinders

No more having to keep an eye open at night

Watching for wandering eyes

For wandering hands

25 days

25 days ’till them goodbyes are shared

To the companions he contrived

To the foes he loathed

Them 25 days

‘Till the yearn for the secret exchange of

Cigarettes no longer exist

25 days

25 days ’till the consciousness of that

Body 6 feet under no longer

Reminiscence on his psyched mind

25 days ’till he packs his stuff

‘Till he takes his first breath of humanity

As a reborn man

25 days

’till the sun

Grins down on his bare skin

‘Till those barbed wire gates pose behind him

25 days ’till freedom greets him

At his next destination

25 days ’till my uncle’s a free man


This poem makes me...
  • Think (27%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (18%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (27%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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