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A Boy I Knew

A Boy I Knew

By: N.H.

This boy is too shy
I never see him outside
People tell me things about him that’s a lie
He always where’s a jacket in and outside
I’ve only seen him take it off once in my life
I saw something that changed me inside
All the scares that was on his arms
All the black he wore
This boy is too shy
His face is covered in pimples like darkness is over him
All the time
He always wore a hood
To cover his face like an assassin
This boy is too shy
He walked passed me and said “hi”
Like he was scared of me
I wanted to ask what’s wrong
But I was scared to ask
He scared me inside
As if a rose was dieting right at this moment
A couple months later
He knocked on my door and asked if I…….
Wanted to go ……where?
He brought me inside his house
I saw….saw things I thought….
This boy is too shy
He had knifes with blood on them
That took his life from him
Scares on his arms
This boy…is too….shy….

This poem makes me...
  • Think (3%)
  • Smile (2%)
  • Somber (11%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (75%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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