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A Caring Dad

A Caring Dad by: Valentina Delgarito

I wish I had my dad by my side
Just thinking of him makes me cry
Never being able to see him
Hurts me inside everyday that goes by
The stories I hear
To my eyes they bring a tear
Before I had to say good-bye
I wish with him I had more time
Since I was too young to have my own
memories to share
Seeing pictures of him I want to know
Why so soon he had to move
Fun things that we did before he had to
Hearing about that just makes my heart
I just hoped that the times with him
could have been longer
Because I know he was a loving
I am sad that we are apart
I miss my dad with all my heart

This poem makes me...
  • Think (25%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (8%)
  • Surprised (13%)
  • Feel a Connection (29%)
  • Inspired (25%)
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