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A Dragon’s Awesomeness

A Dragon’s Awesomeness

By Armondo Garcia

He walks like a boss

never asking

just waiting

for the next meal he eats

will not be his last

he knows this

but till then time will pass.

A dragon’s eyes

looking into yours

belly like a hippo

though as quick as a basalisk 

across the pond.

The teeth of a hamster

as sharp as a dragon’s

rough as a rock

but as lazy as a dog.

Crying to leave that box

to crawl into your arms

protecting what he cares for

weaving to have peace with me

for all of eternity.

And so the next meal he will have

may take a while to come,

but when it comes it will not be his last;

until then


This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (44%)
  • Somber (11%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (22%)
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