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A Gentle Giant

A Gentle Giant

By Danielle Tolino

My brother Dylan is tall as a giraffe

Always looking at his phone as if it’s speaking to him

My brother is summer

Always wearing cut off shirts

He’s awesome like the band Pierce the Veil,

Which we always listen to when we go to town

My brother is a cactus

Brave and tough

My brother with earphones in his ears

Like they’re telling him secrets

My brother is a gentle giant

He’s a nerd when it comes to music

And annoying when he picks

On me

But I will ALWAYS LOVE my big brother!

This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (36%)
  • Somber (5%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (8%)
  • Inspired (39%)
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