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A Late Night with Alcohol

I heard glass shattering

And saw mother cleaning

As He chuckled and laughed as if he were king

That’s when I swore he called me a Whore as I ran

Back to my bed


I shouldn’t have said anything

But he came in with a belt

The anger on his face could not contain itself


I wanted to scream or cry

but instead I decided to fly

As I flew from wall to wall

I imagined myself, as if I were a ball

A beautiful ball that refused to fall


But I returned to the floor

As he left to answer the door

The anger gone from his face


I watched in amusement as he lied

Saying he was playing with his daughter and wife


The neighbor smiled assuming it was a game

But she didn’t know that I was

Alone, and now lame


Since that night, I sleep in fright

As I recall the shattering of glass

And the discovery of my courage

to speak UP


This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (28%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (41%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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