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A man

A Man

By Anonymous



A man who works and works

Never stops to take a rest

A man with no days off


This man works and works

He wants nothing but the best for me

He works from sun up to sun down


This man comes home late and tired

this man wants to sleep

For tommorow is a long day


This man works and works his head off

He works so I have nothing to worry about


And for this I tell him thank you


Thank you for giving me something to look up to

Thank you buying me my first bike

Thank you for everything you did


This man who worked and worked

now is resting

This now man finaly has days off


And now it is “I” who works and works

Now I work to make sure he has everything

Just how he worked so I wouldn’t need anything


This poem makes me...
  • Think (20%)
  • Smile (47%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (7%)
  • Inspired (20%)
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