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A New Rule For Memphis

A New Rule For Memphis

By: Anonymous



You hear your “sqaud” yelling “turn-up den” when you walk in

so now you just have to fall in…..

into the hole of buying clothes and shoes, shoes and clothes

that don’t even fit you.


Time to give Memphis a new rule!


Stop showing off with money you could be spending on college

don’t be a fool. Buying guns and drugs.

your saying its all just for fun. I think it’s all quite dumb

you’re going to be sitting in a jail cell

because you thought that would be a swell way to impress the world.


Time to give Memphis a new rule!


In the line for every new shoes I bet Michael Jordan went to school.

He real cool making , all that money off of you.

POW and BANG are the sound your mouth makes while waving a gun around,

you don’t even know how to use.


Time to give Memphis a new rule!


I sure you wave around those straight F’s you’ve had since grade school .

Still think you’re cool . I bet you do .


Time to give Memphis a new rule!



Time to make a move and reach deep underneath those trues, new shoes, and gang flags

and find the real you not a new the true you .


That’s Memphis’s new rule!



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