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A Perfect State

A Perfect State

By Daylyn Isaacs


We are in a perfect place, right?

No wrongs, perfect life?

Oh wait, a change of place,

Hit and runs, killing a son.

Taking a life, it’s just a bite.

Compared to the giant meal,

Currently concealed,

About nothing right.

That’s just another life.

A government, not tending to needs.

A dog dead,

children watching as he bleeds.

Oh wait,

Its just another deed.

Two strays fight out on the scene,

leaving another in pain, taken off the silver screen.

Supposedly “illegal.”

But its kept soaring like an eagle.

Hit and runs, you think murder is fun?

My mother, lost a dear brother.

Later then, coming to a moment when,

They are hit again, no one stops to help and mend.

She’s still alive today,

doing fine we say,

But struggling to pay bills,

can’t always afford the meals.

Such a perfect state,

saying they will help,

oh wait, too late.

Someone dying daily,

Losing hope,

Used to be bright daisies.

But see pain, no gain

Isn’t this perfect state,

Supposed to help us in our place?

Letting illegal things,

Look perfectly normal.

Like pets supposed to be kept in,

coming out, running like horses,

Oh wait,

Just wait.

We will make it they say,

I believe ’em.

No acts of treason.

Unless, you give a real good reason.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (21%)
  • Smile (7%)
  • Somber (11%)
  • Surprised (10%)
  • Feel a Connection (30%)
  • Inspired (21%)
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