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A Perfect World?

A Perfect World?

By Corrine Pershall


A perfect world?

Is that what you call Earth?

I’ll tell you what’s “perfect”

Your mother struggling to pay bills

Trying to feed more than three kids

While working overtime

To have enough money to feed them

Is that perfect?

Is it perfect,

When you see homeless people,

Holding signs that say,

“Homeless and hungry” or,

“Will do anything for food?”

Is it perfect

When you see them trying to sleep

On the ground

With no blanket

When it’s twelve degrees outside?

Is that perfect?

I know what’s perfect.

You are on this earth to help them

Help the homeless

You were created to help the needy.

You were created to change the world,

        All you need to do is live it.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (10%)
  • Somber (2%)
  • Surprised (15%)
  • Feel a Connection (41%)
  • Inspired (17%)
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