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A Place Called Home

A Place Called Home

by Angel Smith


I know a place called America

That’s home for the free and a beautiful sight to see

A place where immigrants seek freedom

And a place to feel welcome

A place called America


A place where press, religion, protest, speech

And assembly is a God-given right

Like the morning turning into the night

A place where you can fix your mistakes and make up for it

A place called America


I know a place called America where my ancestors

Were enslaved and forced to pick cotton

A place where the color of your skin

Determined where you learn, shop, use the bathroom, and work

A place where innocent people get killed for simple things

Like their race, clothes, and what is in their hand

The funny thing about it is the majority people killing

Are the people who are supposed to protect

This place is called America


I know a place called America that takes no form

It has no good or bad side but remains neutral

A place of many mistakes

Mistakes that are forgiven

In a place called America

This poem makes me...
  • Think (27%)
  • Smile (7%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (47%)
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