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A Place I Call Home

A  Place I Call Home
By Casandra Brown

Detroit is a place I call home.
There are birds flying, crickets chirping with purple sprinkles.
Detroit is a place I call home.
It’s  a beautiful, peaceful, and fun place
It has a scent of fresh flowers
and the fresh ocean breeze.
Detroit is a place I call home.
I walk down the street of fame.
It feels like magic.
It feels like love.
It feels like a dream come true.
Detroit is a place I call home.
Have you ever been to Detroit?
That lovely place that  I call home,
That lovely place that has dancing horses
and purple daisies! What an enjoyable site to see!
Have you ever been able to walk down
your street, feeling great?
Feeling that Glory and Praise!
Feeling that love with no shame!
Cars riding through those fresh new streets
feeling their fresh new beats.
People walking with new shades and Jays
feeling the heat!
Would you like to visit someday?

That place I call home

This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (33%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (33%)
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