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A Words That No One Know

A Words That No One Know
By: Sua Xyooj

We speak our language differently
From our own religion
We live close with other
For a helping hands
Brother and sister are close together

When I spoke to you
You couldnt understand my language
Even though I show with my hand
You couldn’t read or listen
You make funny of my language
You don’t know
That I could understand your language

Since you are different race
We are still a family
Doesn’t mean you have to
Know my language
The word hmong
How do you think

Well we was the same
Hmong, Chinese, Japanese, and etc
We always speak
Our language
You might think that we all
Are one type of people

 With this type of skin color
Well we still could see that
Since that happen
We have our own religion
We believe

You are different from the skin color
Since different type of people
But in the same community

Yog peb yog hmoob
Los yeej yuav si hlub
Koj tsis yog peb coj hmoob
Los peb yeej tsis xav li cas

Put your hands to our hands
Come and live together
Life in the community is a family
We as hmong
Always put our self in each other shoes
Our community is always open for

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