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A World Without Trees

A World Without Trees

by Cloë Parks

Some think it’d be cool to live in a world without trees
A modern world, organized, and buzzing with technology
They don’t know that there’s no grace in a big empty space
No green in a computer screen
There’d be no relief in rest
You’d be living a death
If we lived in a world without trees
Since the very beginning, they’ve witnessed time unfold
A glimmer of hope in the coldest of cold
They’re the eldest of the old
Even if they’re stories are untold
The wisest of the knowing
A static remainder in the snowiest of snowing
If trees left, who knows where we’d be going
We might be wealthier, but we wouldn’t be healthier
Too much ease, not enough breeze
No more character
Living in a world without trees
No roots to hold the world
The earth would cease to twirl
A place so fake
An enormous mistake
An imitation of perfection
That needs much correction
So I pity the fool
Who thinks  it’d be cool
To live in a world without trees

This poem makes me...
  • Think (19%)
  • Smile (64%)
  • Somber (3%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (3%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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