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by Pazong Vang

At school he’s quiet
Looks depressed and has no friends

While at home
He cries at the stars
Not knowing what to do
His eyes are blood-shot red

He thinks about his friends
If he has any true ones
Like Exo’s Kai and D.O

Then his Facebook is checked
He posts a status about him
or anyone he loves or hate
People like and comment
Then it’s back to normal

As he goes to the basement
His bed yearns for him

But he rejects
Goes back on Facebook
And finds someone to have  a conversation with
There’s no one
Only one of his true friends
But he’ terrified
As to what her boyfriend might do

So he crawls into bed
And the day is repeated

This poem makes me...
  • Think (32%)
  • Smile (3%)
  • Somber (24%)
  • Surprised (3%)
  • Feel a Connection (32%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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