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Alone, by Myself in the Darkness…

I don’t know what made you go,
But I wish you would’ve stayed,
we would’ve had more
unforgettable memories,
You were my light,
that lit my way through
the darkness,
But without you,
I’m all alone,
Getting lost,
When I keep going my own way,
The more I go into life,
The more I think about you,
The more I forget who
I’m really are,
The more I wish
You would’ve stayed
right here by my side,
Guiding me,
Through the steps of life,
You would’ve watched me
Grow up,
And without you,
I’m lost in the inky
Darkness that lays ahead,
Where are you?
I miss you!
By: S.Smith.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (72%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (12%)
  • Inspired (7%)
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