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Another Me

Another Me
By: Ong Thao

The winter ice,
To the summer heat.
The hope and future,
She heads in.
She ain’t alone,
No matter what road she took.
Faces that goes on,
Sent a signal to all.
She’s a stranger,
When romance breathes the air.
Then turns to a pup,
Where she’s shower with gold.

She’s not afraid to fall,
No matter,
If she step over the line.
The scar of words,
Spoken roughly with emotions.
“I hate being Hmong”,
“I don’t like force marriages”.
But the struggle,
The Hmong people went through,
Running away,
From their homes.
Having their loved ones,
Dead or alive.
A remembrance through history,
Like a scar that stain,
To come be Hmong again.

Always trying to be Ms. Know-it-all,
Thinking it’s right or wrong,
Her way of doing things,
Even with it,
She’s like the lucky charm,
Made of pure luck.
Nothing goes out of control.
However, she’s the joker,
Who host the show.
Always the stop sign,
To every destruction.

She’s a bored,
Whether she hides the jar of emotions.
Keeping voices,
On a high or low volume.
Sometimes, she becomes the villain with a plan,
To a hero in the end.
She’s like the bunny against the tiger,
Who’s looking for an escape.

She can be the witch of the story,
Or live happily ever after.
But she cracks the shell,
Making a way out.
She push off Humpty Dumpty,
Then became sleeping beauty.
But most of all,
She’s the sweet candy,
The flavor ice cream,
With cherry bomb on top.
She’s the other me,
She’s my sister.

This poem makes me...
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