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By: Rainee Neswood


The badger is always telling me when he first held me

And when I first looked at him

When I was scared to go down

Until I went down with him

Down the hill behind my Grandma’s

Is like going down the biggest mountain


When Tone told me he wanted to me her laugh

But then too shy

He stutters a “Hi” then said “Bye”


He wishes me to go to California

And wishes me to move from that idiot I call a father

As he showed me how to play guitar

With that special song, Cry Little Sister

We’ll ride our skateboards on the tar

All the way to the misters

This poem makes me...
  • Think (35%)
  • Smile (49%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (1%)
  • Inspired (15%)
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