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Are We Really Alone

Are We Really Alone∗

By: ℜebekah G.

I get to walk up hills and;

through trees that grow tall!

I feel so calm.

Look out and all I see are trees;

I am not alone my mind would say

The fog rolls in and the sound of rain falls down;

I can smell the wet dirt As I kick it all up in the air.

I try to find someone tall and I ever knew why?

I watch the time pass by and I still feel clueless;

I know they are gone but I can’t let it go.

she is there like trees that cant move.

Soon the sky was bright and the sun was cool;

But the warm present feeling was gone

where am I?

and when I say I am alone I really mean I am alone!

Ever one is gone and I fell that I am the only one left!

Is this the end?
















This poem makes me...
  • Think (33%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (11%)
  • Surprised (22%)
  • Feel a Connection (6%)
  • Inspired (22%)
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