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By Alfonso Guillen

I am Average some people may think i am lazy as a sloth but i think I’m average.

sometimes i do what i’m told like a trained dog or i just sit on the couch like a

sack of potatoes either way i’m average.

I may not Always do my homework that’s two months due or

throw away the trash like I’m supposed to do again I’m average.

sometimes i come home from school

to just hear my mom tell me to take my dog

outside while i still have to clean my room and do my clothes and sometimes

i just tell her to do it herself. then she just yells but Again that’s me being Average.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (9%)
  • Smile (27%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (55%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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