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By: Taylor Begay

I miss basketball practice

Our coach Mr. Morrow

With his accent saying

“See you tomorrow”

The way he says partners

He is warm and friendly

Like the month of June

I would hear from parents

That we had such a great year

I miss rushing to sit down

When he pulled up in his

black Toyota that runs

him to the gym

I miss playing with tallest girls


Was the best part

When we ate those flaming

Hot Cheetos

At the gym

Trying to wash the redness

Off of our fingers off

The dribbling of the ball was like music

To my ears

I remember

When we brought back that

First place trophy

Was a close game

I could feel my heart beat

Going through my body



Just then

When I heard that buzzer go off

My heart stopped

I finally felt like a winner

That feeling was indescribable

I miss those days

I miss my team

My sisters…

This poem makes me...
  • Think (36%)
  • Smile (28%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (8%)
  • Inspired (16%)
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