Grandparents You wouldn't be here without them For those who don't know what I'm talking…
Being Different Toward Family
Being Different Toward Family
By: Shontell Jim
My cousin Camellia always wears
Her green converse shoes.
She has big brown eyes that
Sparkle in the moonlight,
In size I am taller.
She has black long hair.
My sister uses her time to keep
An eye on her younger siblings.
When she’s home alone she cooks,
Cleans and keeps the house cleans.
My favorite memory with her is when she
Pretended that she got robbed by my
Neighbor. She shows it by her hair bushy, and her clothes torn up.
She treats me with lots of respect.
She keeps me out of trouble, when I get in trouble she talks to me.
And she is always helping me with my work.
When she dreams she says she dreams about how it will be in the future.
Like us having our own families.