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By Alexa Bun

How could you betray me?

How could you lie to my face?

How could you act as if nothing happened?

How could you sleep everyday knowing you’re wrong?

Now I have to get up on my feet and become strong.

Stronger than you.

You are my competition.

We could have been friends, but now that I see you’re true colors, we are done.

Done for good, that is.

What did I do to you?

The things you tell me aren’t even true.

The fact that you were calling me your friend.

But then you talk behind my back and it all comes to an end.

You are the worst.

The worst friend anyone could ask for.

Save your talk  for someone else

Because I think your apoligizing is all a bore.

You were cruel

And I was a fool.

A  fool for trusting you.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (7%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (27%)
  • Surprised (20%)
  • Feel a Connection (47%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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