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Black Paper Moon

Black Paper Moon

She’s a mexican girl,
living in a whole different world,
she feels that she don’t belong here,
She’s from one place,
she feels,
like she belongs somewhere else.
She feels like a bird,
inside his cage,
and she thinks,
being blue,
is better than being over it.
Every day,
inside of her cage,
She watch how the sun,
comes out all days,
and how the twilight is the same,
as yesterday,
and when the light becomes the fade,
and the clock,
turns the colors to gray,
is when she’s patiently,
waiting for the moon,
to show herself,
as she waste her golden days,
being depressed and lonely.
She talks to the moon every night,
waiting for the moon, to talk back to her,
She feels,
that nobody,
pays attention to her,
the black paper moon.

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