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His name was Bobby
His story
Will be forever remembered
His smell
Was of Earth and good old spice
His job
Was in the sky
In the skies that sit high above
Clouds turned a dirty brown
Gasoline fills the air
As he flys
Shooting through the sky like lightning
Watching the bullets fly
Piercing man through the body
Blood splatters and loud screams
Signs their death notes
Their families didn’t see it coming
Returns home to loving family
Driving home
During midnight hours
Pain attacks the heart
Where I once lived
Foot and brakes unite
Front windshield shatters into a million pieces
The cold ground welcomes him
Spirits fly high to go home
To creator of world
Creator of Adam and Eve
He was Adam
And I was Eve
I was made from him
Like how Eve was taken from Adam’s rib
I visit him in his new home
I would not prefer it
I still honor it
What he has here in his new home
A cold and frozen grave
8 feet underneath
Lies a casket
Covered by American flag
Inside there is a decaying body
His curls and flips in his hair remain
No one knows
His life
Enclosed in here wih him
His date
April 17, 1963 – December 17, 1999
That man
Is my father
And his name is

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (13%)
  • Somber (38%)
  • Surprised (13%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (13%)
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