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by Anonymous


Brother I am sorry but it’s

time for me to leave

You may not be born yet but you

are still in mother’s belly

I have to leave earth now

even though I’m only 9 years old

but I have to go

it’s hard for me because

i couldn’t get to know you

Mother will explain whenever

you are old enough to

understand I know that you

wouldn’t want me to go to heaven

yet but it is my time to leave

the doctors told me that I

wouldn’t be able to live any longer

and I’m sorry for not being able

to spend any time with you

These 9 years have been great on

earth but I have to go now

I only wished that I never had

This freaking illness but everything

Is going to be alright little brother

may last wish is for mother

not to suffer anymore

While I’m gone

i will miss you

and love you


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