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Bullying and Best Friends

Bullying and Best Friends

by: Caribe Avina


Pain always taught me that you can get stronger and stronger.

Pain taught me that there is a way out even when it might seem that you can’t take it any longer.


Friends taught me that quality is always better than quantity.

But sometimes not even friends

could help,

Especially when they’d see me grab a book

from the shelf.

“Haha, NERD! NERD! NERD!” they’d scream at me.


Their hair all long and done,

they said “shopping was fun,”

When I bought clothes and heels to look ‘pretty,”

they would still laugh and call me silly.

Their faces all caked with makeup,

Meanwhile, my books piled up.


Everyone thought bullying was funny.

Try walking alone,


But they aren’t any better than you.

At least you are true.

All of them with their crew,

But you stood with your best friend,

With her,

It won’t be the end.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (30%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (35%)
  • Inspired (25%)
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