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But Mom I Still Love You Nothing Can Change That

But Mom I Still Love You Nothing Can Change That

By Anonyms


I remember the day my mom beat me up .

I felt every

slap ,

kick ,

and punch .


yes I felt the black eye .

yes I felt the busted lip .

yes I felt my heart break


But mom I still love you nothing can change that.


kick after kick my eyes swelled with tears .

punch after punch my body bruised .

slap after slap my heart broke .

The coldness in your eyes

More pain than anything .


But mom I still love you nothing can change that.


The disgust I saw in your eyes made me feel like

a thousand bricks on my body .

The love I feel for you is unconditional ,

the love I hold is precious .

I feel no hate towards you .

you are my mom

I hold no hate

I forgave and loved .

mom you are my light

no matter what .

The past is the past .

This poem makes me...
  • Think (18%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (54%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (14%)
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