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Camping Trip

Camping Trip

“by” Jeremy Lawrence


The moon over the sky told me its night

the cold air really can bite

I went into bed

and lay down my head

I went to bed late

now the bags under my eyes like grapes


We woke up to the sun

and the smell of hot buns

the sun, shining like a block of gold

my family is quite bold

going into the woods at winter

the tree I felt and got a splinter

in the woods at winter


All the snow on the ground

the smell of palm all around

we take our dogs on a walk

all we do is just talk

we found a frozen puddle

my brother cold wants to cuddle


Though we didn’t do much

we did get some nice munch

we looked at the forest now green

it didn’t at all seem mean

the way nature looked was its own reward

we weren’t at all bored

only bothering thought is that eventually we’ll be stored then we’ll all be bored.

This poem makes me...
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  • Smile (60%)
  • Somber (20%)
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