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by Tiffany Miller



Chicago is a dangerous place where you have to look back every day

Praying to live another day to be alive the next day.


Where homeless people on the street

Asking for the money so they can eat

Knowing that it’s hard living on the street.


Is the place where every kid dream of getting out the hood

Trying to make their life go good.

Dreaming that they can move their family

To make sure your mama is happy.


People think that Chicago is a place

Where you have money, cars, and girls.

But in reality Chicago is a place where you see

Boys, blood, and killing happening on the street

Only advice I can tell you is…..

Be careful who you talk to

And don’t slither like a snake.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (86%)
  • Smile (2%)
  • Somber (2%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (2%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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