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My Childhood
Happiness and always a smile
spending time with my parents
when we were all happy being together

My Childhood
Going to Incredible Pizza every other week just for fun
hearing ¨Dings!¨ ¨Horns!¨ then celebrating, hugging each other
when the tickets came flying out

My Childhood
Having big family get togethers when EVERYONE would get along and spread laughter
seeing everyone hug each other
singing songs that bring back the good times
taking group pictures for the memories

My Childhood
Asking my mom
¨Where’s dad?¨
¨He won’t be here for a while…¨
my grandparents drive me somewhere I’ve never seen or heard of before
we finally get there
seeing him through glass
speaking threw a tennis ball size hole
hand cuffs on super red wrists
he smiles acting like everything’s okay
but his eyes tell me something else

My Teenage Years
Realizing everything happens for a reason
that smile comes back as the joyful little girl
the horrible memories stay at the back of my mind
but life goes on
I can’t stay living in the past

This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (50%)
  • Surprised (33%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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