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Come Back

Come Back

By Alex Valtierra

You’re my brother and when I see you
in the street I know you up to no good.
I see you in the morning, I see you
in the afternoon, but don’t see at night. Where were you when my mom needed you?

That day you looked but turned your back on us. David I hope you’re not on drugs,
I hope you’re not in those streets.
Look, when I see you I see you more like a cousin than a brother.

You were the one example for me but why you got to be  something you’re not?
So change before its to late.

The day you will know you’re on the right path is when you talk to me.

And I will tell you,”wanna go to church and go to mom and tell how much you love her?”

One day this will happen.
One day you will turn back and remember this moment and thank me.

So when I see you now I know you’re on that path.
Hold on to it and don’t let go.
Thank you god for this privilege to change my brother.
Bye streets, bye drugs, and welcome good and god.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (42%)
  • Smile (37%)
  • Somber (5%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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