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By: Kowynn Sandoval

Thirsty on a hot summer day.

Go to the store

To get a drink.

If you go you might see Conroy.

Conroy is like a stray dog

Because he is always around.


He is old, average height, long hair and

He always wears a cap backwards.

Conroy reminds me of the store,

Because he always carries a 44 oz soda with him.


As Conroy rides

It is as if the bike runs

Through the wind

With Conroy.

Of all things you do and all things you say

You cannot judge a book based on its cover.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (3%)
  • Smile (16%)
  • Somber (63%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (1%)
  • Inspired (10%)
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