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by Makamae Edayan

Some live here, some live there
Either way its still unfair
From having 1, to having 2, then I got 3
Now they should all come home to me
One’s, two’s and three’s, yet, some feel like uncles and aunties to me
Mom told me, “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your cousins”
Even if you have more than a dozen
Even if they have girlfriends and boyfriends, I know they’ll still love me
So in return I’ll always act funny
‘Cause as they get older, I know they’ll get more stressed,
So I’ll always be there with a wand and a dress
To take away the pain and wipe away the tears
Just as they did for me in my baby years
They taught me self-confidence and not to fear
For the greatest moments in life are near.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (9%)
  • Smile (50%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (14%)
  • Feel a Connection (18%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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