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Crack Head

Crack Head

by Tommie Dickey


If someone keep doing things,

Over and over again,

One day they did something unthinkable,

Her and her crack heads broke into your house, Stole your kids’ toys that’s both of your kids, Crack heads all up in your house,

Also they stole your credit card and bought stuff with it, They all came and they look like a dirty homeless dog or rat with their teeth as yellow as a pencil color school bus.

You put your ex-wife in rehab but she keep leaving, And the worst thing is she came in front of ya’ll kids, She stank like an over-flowed 3 week garbage can.

But you can’t help a person who doesn’t want to be help, She come over every week looking worst every time, Her hair look like a tangle up dirty blonde hair. The worst part that she ever did is she said she’s sorry. Will you forgive them?

You shouldn’t help a person who’s not willing to make up for their mistakes.

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