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Cruelty In The World

Cruelty in the World

By: Ashlee Dekker

The world is a black hole there is drama and bullying

also  drugs and the neighborhoods aren’t safe

while kids are being bullied in school

no one can help them and they deal with bullying

differently some have battle scars and some don’t exist anymore

Kids are left alone when they are bullied because their parents

say they are okay but really they are not and they also say to ignore

them and it’s hard, they do it everyday, getting called different

names life can be so cruel and not everyone can escape

the dark and cruel black hole some can survive and some can’t make it.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (44%)
  • Surprised (11%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (11%)
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