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Curly Fries

Curly Fries

by Oscar Herrera


Her hair is curly as curly fries.

But she ain’t salty like one.

She’s sweet and bitter.

My mom could be the nicest of people until you push her buttons.

She taught me what what love is.

It’s not what moms on TV portray it to be.

She taught me that love is more like a rose.

It has thorns, but through those thorns is a beautiful flower.

Even though I fuzz and complain through all those thorns.

At the end of the day I know my mom loves me.

She’s the foundation of the man you see today.

This six foot guy.

Who respects his little o’ mama.

Thanks to her I am who I am now.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (9%)
  • Smile (55%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (9%)
  • Inspired (18%)
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