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by Diamond Williams


Desperate for money

Hungry for a home

Wanting a car

Not trying to live with his mother no more


At 12 years old

it is hard knowing your dad is struggling.


Suddenly it changes when he meets a struggling mother,

Sacrificing your life

to get a home for her

But not a home for you

A car for her

But not a car for you.


No “thank you”

Just yelling

No love

Just more kids.


When my dad asked the struggling mother if he see his kids, it is a noo!

But it doesn’t surprise me because I already know.

The pure evil he sees in this woman’s eyes

Suddenly it isn’t a surprise.


My birthdays-

He forgets-

Sometimes I feel like he doesn’t care if I get sick

So selfish-

So mean-

Now I realize that

This woman

Is not

Very clean.


But as I take a step back

I realize that I love my

Dad very bad.

I will always love him

From the bottom of my heart-

Because he is another part of me-

And I am another part of him.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (93%)
  • Smile (1%)
  • Somber (1%)
  • Surprised (3%)
  • Feel a Connection (1%)
  • Inspired (2%)
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