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By: Ruby Amelia Villanueva

Daddy I remember when I was small.
I used to think you were some hero.
You did all this stuff even I couldn’t handle.
You taught me right from wrong.
You taught me how to walk correctly.
You helped me with homework in a snap.
You made tying my shoe so easy.
You made the bugs on my head go away.
You made all the bad monsters vanish.
You made my tears that form from my eyes disappeared.
You use to take me to all the fun places where we would go and stay till one.
You use to stay up with me and play on the game cube till the old lady got up and yelled.
You would come home tired and still find the energy to play.
You would always say how I was your little princess and that I was your little girl.
Daddy I still remember when I use to call you number one and guess what, you still are.
You’re my number one and just accept it cause it’s not bull.
You may not believe it because I have you and him.
But daddy your the only person that I love most out of this world.
Remember when it use to be you and me against the world?
Well now I still think it is even when there’s new people in the picture.
Remember that white and red dog you gave me that I named Precious?
I miss those stuffed animals so much and I cried for hours when I found out that they went into a donation box.
Remember when you taught me how to ride a bike and I was terrified?
You helped me overcome my fear.
Remember how you said “I won’t let go” when I was pedaling? Well guess what.
You let go and I crashed.
Yes I was mad but you laughed so hard I thought you were gonna pass out.
Remember our little house out back?
I still miss that tiny house.
Remember that black gaming system we had?
I miss that too.
Remember the blue truck?
That had some hot seats when it hit summer.
Remember riding in the red mustang that I want to own one day?
That ride has a lot of memories of you and me.
Remember cranking up the tunes with your old school music?
I still remember all the lyrics to the songs.
Remember when I would pass out in the car on the ride home and you would carry me?
I pretended to be asleep ’cause I liked it when you carried me.
Daddy your more than just my hero
Your my idol.
My inspiration.
Your the motivation that gets me going.
Your the ones that I butt heads with.
Your tough as steel and I like that.
‘Cause I know that if your strong than I’m strong too.
And I know that if I were to ever fall, that you’ll be there to catch me.
And daddy even when we have those fights I regret every one of them.
Because I don’t want you to be disappointed in me.
I want you to be proud.
I want you to see that I’ll be okay and that I am strong.
That I don’t need a man to take care of me ’cause I’m independent.
That I’ll get my degree and make something of myself.
That all you did for me wasn’t a waste.
Daddy your number one and your on top of everyone else.
Your on my mind constantly and you may think it’s bull.
But daddy what I say in this poem to you is all true.
I love you and believe me when I say I do.
Remember how we’ll compete with how much we love each other?
Well daddy I’ll love you from here to end of time.
I love you with all my heart even when it may be cold as ice.
I love you even when we get in fights.
I love you even when the world runs out of time.
But daddy when the time comes for you to go I don’t think I’ll be ready.
Even when you say “I want people to go to my funeral as if it were a party”.
Daddy I’ma be bawling.
I would rather you be old and in need of care instead of buried in the underground.
But that’s just selfish of me to make you grow old and stay.
Daddy I wish we were immortal so we could live forever.
‘Cause life without you is just hard to imagine.
Daddy your number one and no one can replace you.
Where you stand is permanent.
So don’t worry ’cause even if I do find love that sucker is going right behind you.
‘Cause to me daddy, your the first man that I love.
I love you dad.

This poem makes me...
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  • Smile (41%)
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  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (32%)
  • Inspired (9%)
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