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By Aracely Pedraza 

I think of him every time
I pray for him, wishing he’s always okay
I cry for him every night
No one knows how much I miss him…

I miss you so much daddy.

I miss you every day and wish I could see you more often
Just 2 days aren’t enough for me
They’re like 2 minutes of me being happy
Daddy, it hurts me seeing other people with their dad
They look so happy, I wish I could feel that happiness too
Everyday I count each month till the one that you are coming
Those 2 minutes I get to spend with you…

I miss you daddy.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (31%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (38%)
  • Inspired (27%)
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