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Damn Kids!

Damn Kids!

by  J.B.


damn kids,

acting dumb again,

i’m taking away your phones again.

hows JB laughing at his braddahs.

i just told maka that working at burger king isnt gonna get you anywhere in life and she still like work there.

and ku’u boyfriend,

i like crackem,

makas one too.

JB always spending my money on video games,

we supposed to be saving for disney land

the neighbors kids are fighting again

long day,

have a headache,

gonna sleep,

not gonna wake up until about three.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (74%)
  • Smile (15%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (4%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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