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Dear Big Brother

Dear Big Brother,


            I know your life has been rough

with everything horrible that happened to you

            While you were in Mexico

            Just an innocent child

Our cousins did the most terrible thing

   I will not share that

            It’s much too personal!

   Still you made it to the U.S.

Joining Mom who sadly had to leave before you

            Then I was born…

               You went to school

                        Many schools

               Skipped classes

            You took care of me as a baby

               When I went into school

            You helped me with everything!

    The thing I admire about you is:

                        You never gave up!!!

No mater how hard your life has been!

                        And you’re still young

            You still have dreams!

    They’re hard to earn, yes.

            But you’re still working.

    Immigrant jobs are sucky

            That doesn’t stop you!

                Thank you!

            You’ve taught me to PERSERVERE!


                                    Your sis,

                                    Alondra Saenzpardo

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