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Dear Dad

Dear Dad

By: Eric Chang

Dear Dad

What happened to you?

You left my mom and eight of us.

My mother a beautiful young

lady never deserved your disrespect.

She said, “Yes,”

but not because she wanted to.

You begged

Got down on your knees

Gazed into her brown eyes

And begged knowing that you’d

divorce her after having eight kids

You’re a jerk

and today you decide

that it’s okay to come back

into our lives

after seven years.


We love you but, we can’t forget how

you beat up our mother and left

the house while she is trying to

stay alive, because

of how you treated our

mother within two years

we can’t forgive you.

Dad I’m sorry that you made a wrong turn in life

but coming back in our life

everything that happened

it wouldn’t make a change.


I hope that one day I would

not be like you and leave my wife and kids

Can you please not come

back into our lives.


What happened to you?

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (2%)
  • Somber (42%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (36%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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