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deep depression

Deep Depression

There are two girls in this
high school who are in deep depression
Their hearts are like broken
glass they think that no one can fix them
So they cut 10 times over and over
so they can forget that they exist

They go to school and act
like they are okay but when they get
home and cut 10 times over and
over to forget that they exist
They go to school with a huge
smile on their face and say they are
Fine with huge smiles on their face

But when their hearts are broken
like glass and are in deep depression
Their parents don’t know
what’s going on in their lives all they see
Is their huge smiles when
they go home an cut 10 times over
an over to forget that they exist

The two girl one day
said I’m tired of being judged for
All of my scars
I want to change and
show and tell people not to be afraid
I’ll be okay , I will
show that I’m okay I’m tired of feeling
Like I don’t exist
I want to feel like a normal child be
Happy an have people in
My life because I know that I need

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