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Different Places, Different Spaces

Different Places, Different Spaces

By Diajay Carter


I walked down Biddle street

and passed some dirty row houses.

I looked at my homie and said

do you smell that?

Davon said

that smell like sweets.

We walked toward the smell,

turns out it was a party.

It smelled so good in there like

food, candy, cola and everything else.


Then I passed my neighbor’s house

and you could tell the steps were getting old.

People came out that house

looking dirty and asking for money.


There’s a beautiful town called Miami

it’s clean and everybody’s quiet and they

give people their   s  p  a  c  e.

It smells rich and feels like

you in a special place.


But there’s one town I hate in Virginia

I met a lot of racist people down there

doing sneaky stuff around black people

they be giving you looks


This poem makes me...
  • Think (41%)
  • Smile (4%)
  • Somber (29%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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