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Different things about school

Different things about school
At 5:00 am I wake up and prepare myself for school. I enter the door of high school and see lockers open people standing around with there squads. Teachers telling students to go to class and stop cursing .The hall ways are like a concert for a famous person .
My high school is like a jail house with a little more freedom. I am a student that gets grades from good to bad from bad to good . My high school is like a get away jail house .
Trained at a young age to go to school and ge good good grades .Taught now to pass high school and get good grades and graduate high school with good grades . Again my school is like a get away jail house .
Homework is hard and sometimes difficult, but i still try to do it . Reading textbooks is boring it puts me to sleep but i read it so i can pass 9th grade . Taking test is very easy in some classes but in some classes its hard taking test .
I hear the education system is very good we shouldn’t take advantage . I believe more students should try harder at school and classroom work.

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