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Don’t Join The World

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

Don’t Join the World

By: Gerardo

Money and fame, that’s what we all strive for,

young and living so fast,guess we don’t want to die old.

Never bite more than you can chew on,

but i feel your ambition if you ever been called a screw up.

But do your own thing don’t join this world,

because if you want it done right you have to do it your self.


Times changed no ones respects no one no more,

and this cold world is the place we call home.

Nothing is free and no ones really wants to help you,

seems like everything turned to fake mode.

We fear the truth,men that tell the truth get killed,

like Kennedy,Martin Luther…tupac,its ok though.

i might be with y’all physically,but not mentaly.

I know i can be quiet some times,but thats because my mind be working.


Fear is a sickness we all have,but like some one said,

why should i fear a man that breaths,bleeds the same as me.

Or a problem that aint bigger then me.

You can take this as motivation or discrimination or whatever ima do me,

I don’t have that sickness of caring what you think.

Call it rebellious,out law go ahead,

I’m just expressing a tenth out of a 100 thats in my brain.

If i explained more some people would think i was out of my head





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