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Don’t Shoot I Wanna Grow Up

“Don’t shoot I wanna grow up”

“Don’t shoot I wanna grow up ”

As I road pass a picture of a kid say

Others don’t listen,others could be heartless

Others may not care about others especially kids

Shamiya Adams,Janylah Walkins,and other kids in Chicago who have been gunned/killed

It’s sad to see this

It’s sad to hear this

He don’t deserve this, she don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve this, we all don’t deserve this

It seem like you ain’t safe no where

Stop killing each other it doesn’t do no better

This poem makes me...
  • Think (9%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (45%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (9%)
  • Inspired (27%)
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